
The Stolen Dagger.Gotmail.

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1. Go to the chest of drawers in front of you, open the bottom middle drawer and then a grey book inside. On the first page is fleur de lis symbol and a list of words with each followed by the number of vertical lines in its letters. Turn to the second page to see the same symbol, a key symbol and four more words. Work out the numbers of vertical lines in the letters of each word, then turn round to see a statue with an alcove on the right. In the alcove are two rows of three doors and a shelf with a box with toy soldiers on top between them. Zoom in on a lock on the top right drawer to see the same fleur de lis symbol, key in the numbers you just worked out (2265), open the door and pick up a ring with a red stone
2. Turn left to see a pair of white double doors with bird carvings on them and a rug on the floor in front of them. Lift the near right corner of the rug and pick up a coin
3. Turn round to see a sofa, lift its middle cushion to see a drawing of the ring and a flying horse, then turn back and head to left a painting of a flying horse to the left of the white doors. Underneath the painting is a plaque with the letters OFKD on it. Use the coin to unscrew the plaque and reveal a letter lock, then click twice on the ring in your items to see a message about three pairs of letters in which the second letter in the pair is three letters further on in the alphabet from the first. Work out the letters three on in the alphabet from OKFD, key the answer (RING) into the lock and hit ok, open the painting like a door to see a safe, and pick up an arrow from the right of it
4. Look at a drawing of four toy soldiers on the inside of the painting/door and make a note of how their arms are arranged, then go back to the box with toy soldiers on and arrange the soldiers’ arms to match. Then open the box and pick up a blue gem
5. Use the arrow on the ring to take out the red gem
6. Turn left to face the chest of drawers, click to the right to see an object between it and the wall, and use the arrow on it to pick up a green gem
7. Open the top left drawer and a green book inside to see a drawing if a bird  like the ones on the white doors and the numbers 4, 5, 3, which refer to the numbers of letters in the colours of the three gems (blue, green, red). To the right of the chest of drawers is a door, to the right of the door is a locked hatch and on the wall below the hatch, near to the floor, is some writing. Zoom in on this to see the card symbols club > heart > diamond > spade, then go back to the alcove with the six doors, open the bottom left door and see a diagram of compass points with the main points replaced by card symbols. Work out the missing compass points in the order you just saw on the wall (N, E, W, S), then turn left and zoom in on the left hand white door with the bird on it. You’ll see three holes; insert the three gems in the order you worked out earlier (blue, green, red) to open the door, then go through to a second room to face a statue of an angel in an alcove with an alter in front, torches on either side and a painting of a lion on the right. Use the arrow to remove the lion painting and reveal a door (this bit must be done out of sequence), then zoom in on the left-hand torch, use the coin to unscrew a bracket holding it to the wall and pick up a length of wire
8. Turn round to face the doors you just came through and zoom in on a painting to the right of them. On the bottom right corner of the painting is a lock that looks like a compass with buttons over the compass points. Press four of the buttons in the order you worked out earlier (N, E, W, S), then open the painting like a door and pick up a bow
9. Facing the white double doors, click on a carving of a woman holding an olive branch on the right door, then click on the left door to go through them. Go back to the chest of drawers in the first room, zoom in on a lion’s head high up on the wall above it, add the wire and then the arrow to the bow, fire the arrow at the lion’s head to make an object fall from it to the floor, then click to the right of the chest of drawers and pick up a key shaped like a lion
10. Back in the second room, go to the door behind the now removed lion painting, use the lion key to unlock it, open it and pick up a metal plate with a yin yang sign on it and several holes in it. Go back to the chest of drawers, open the bottom right drawer and lift up a piece of paper with a yin yang symbol and four sums with numbers replaced by symbols on it. Make a note, then go back to the sofa and click under a coffee table in front of it to see four rows of the same symbols and the yin yang symbol. Place the metal plate over the symbols to see the clues you need to work out the sums, then go to the lock on the top right drawer (with the yin yang symbol) of the chest of drawers, key in the answers to the sums (7, 4, 6, 4), hit ok, open and pick up an olive branch
11. Remembering the carving of the woman holding an olive branch on the white door, go to the angel statue in the second room and place the olive branch in her hand. Click twice to turn the wall behind the statue and reveal a dragon statue on a plinth, then zoom in on the plinth and pick up a key shaped like a dragon
12. Go to the alcove with the soldiers in the first room, open the bottom right door and use the key to open a box with a dragon design inside. Open a scroll in the box to see a peacock feather and drawings of four heads looking in different directions and wearing hats with different symbols on them. Go back to the second room, turn left to see a peacock statue and zoom in on the plinth to see a hatch and lock with the same four symbols with dials under each of them. Turn the dial under each symbol so the arrow on it points in the direction the head under the same symbol appeared to be looking on the scroll (from left: left, right, down, up), then open the hatch and pick up a key shaped like a peacock fan
13. Use the key to open the safe behind the flying horse painting in the first room and pick up the dagger you ate trying to steal
14. Insert the dagger into a slot in the dragon statue plinth in the second room and look at a grid and three pairs of colours (red+green, green+blue, blue+red) in the dragon’s mouth. Go back to the alcove with the soldiers, open the top door to see a colour wheel and work out the colours you get when the pairs of colours in the dragon’s mouth are merged, then go to the chest if drawers, open the bottom left drawer to see a box with a grid of coloured buttons on it and press the buttons of the colours you  just worked out (yellow, cyan, magenta). Then open the box and pick up a lever
15. Written on the bottom of the box is: A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2. Open the top middle drawer to see a number grid with letters and numbers along the axes, and work out the numbers at these co-ordinates. Then go to the alcove with soldiers, open the bottom middle door to see a box with four numbered dials labelled A-D. Turn the dials to read the numbers you just worked out (8, 8, 3, 3), open the box and pick up a key
16. Use the key to open the wall hatch to the right of the door next to the chest of drawers to reveal a hole and insert the lever. Click on the lever four times so that it is pointing down, then go back to the dragon statue to pick up the dagger, turn left to face the peacock statue, click on the balustrade to see a look over it, and escape over a rope bridge you’ve just made appear

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