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1 Go, closer to the ground on the red carpet, see the prompt sheet 1; right, closer to the left of the pot to see directional cues northeast, southwest, south and west ; left, closer to the second layer of the last frame, According to the paper petal tips come password 2397 , enter the open to get a metal plate ;
2 back, left to narrow shelves, narrow purple book, pushed to pry open the rear metal plate screws, set aside after twisting moved to Open Doors; backward, turn left on the clock cabinet closer, closer upside seen screws, pry the metal plate to take the battery ;
3 Turn right, closer to the third layer of the second grid, took away the lower plate into the battery after the open, put a metal plate in order to see red and yellow-green ; backward right, pull down the curtains, under a variety of colors Quantity draw password 6484 ;
4 Turn left, closer to the second layer of the first grid, enter 6484 to get open pentagram key ; backward, closer to the left door, opened with a key to view the key, remove the five-pointed star; into the chamber, closer to the front of the stone See TIME tips; backward, left red door closer, closer tips, drawn according to formula B = 2, Y = 9, G = 3, R = 4 ; remember the location of the letters;
5 back to the room, closer to the left bookshelf, gray book out to see the password BGRY = 2349 ; attention to image conversion; take the green back into the book, see the sun TIME prompt, calculated according to the pattern seen 4 (5 +2) x (8 +11) x (7 +4) = 1463 ; backward, closer to the middle of the third layer fourth grid cabinet, open the input 1463 to take rubies , and see the button prompt, as shown:

6 backward, turn left to open the second door, according to the chart Tip Press 2,3,6 to open three buttons take sapphire ; backward, open the third door, enter 2349 in the book after adjustment pattern to gray arrows OPEN state after the point to point to get a broom ;
7 backward, turn right 2 times, after the point on the left to narrow pots of pink fabric switch perspectives, with the broom moon key ; backward, turn left to narrow cupboard second layer third grid, open, with the moon to get the key to unlock Emerald ; see the moon key to get the moon, fitted with five-pointed star;
8 Turn right, closer globe, will the moon pentacle object mounted in the groove to take the key ; backward, closer to the bottom of the heart-shaped photo to see the direction of the sword ; right, closer to the sofa, the sofa the second point at the bottom, with a broom to get heart-shaped object; backward right, closer to the entrance of the paintings will be installed in the upper right corner of the moon, according to the sword after open heart reorientation take topaz ;
9 Back turn right into the chamber, narrow red door with a key to open the door, open the narrowed take pliers ; out, the third layer closer to the middle of the fifth grid cabinet, open with pliers and cut the wire to get valves ; returned to take the pliers place, and put on the tap and go to CLOSE (below text prompt "closed") and found the fountain has stopped;
10 closer to the fountain, into four gems back, closer to the right side of the column, switch to the ON state after seeing the figures were 3 green, 2 blue, yellow 4, Red 7 ; Back room, turn right, take the chair at the top of the paper suggested, to see the light is like behind the red, green and blue and yellow, draw password 2473 ;
11 back to the chamber, narrow stone, narrow password input 2473 open to take a knife ; returned to the room right two times closer to the sofa, closer to the first left turn angle sofa, wood with a knife forced open to take the sun Key ; Note: At this point.if you go to the entrance position, with the sun key to open the door, will be killed as a Bad End ;
12 View keys, get the sun object; into the chamber, narrow stone in the hands of the box, opened the door into the sun after the object, open the door to emerge as the Good End !

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